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Government Information

This guide will help library users to access government information through websites and online databases.

Energy Department

Energy Department

The Energy Department is responsible for the U. S. nuclear weapons programs, nuclear reactor and radioactive waste production, energy production, conservation, and energy research.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates the interstate transmission of natural gas, oil, and electricity.  They also regulate natural gas and hydropower projects.  Their website provides access to their e-library, a searchable database of their issuances, notices, maps, environmental assessments, and other records.

Publications is a searchable database of 70 years worth of science, technology and engineering research sponsored by the Department of Energy.  This includes over 3 million records such as journal articles, technical reports, research datasets, scientific software, patents, conference and workshop papers, books and theses.  It also provides information about the Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information.

Fossil Energy R & D Project Database

The Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy manages more than 300 research and development projects on topics such as coal, petroleum and natural gas.  This searchable database contains information on each of these projects.

Fuel Economy Guide

This website provides information on vehicle fuel economy gathered through vehicle testing done at the EPA's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory and by vehicle manufacturers.  You can compare cars by model year or look up a specific vehicle.


1663 is the Los Alamos Laboratory's Science and Technology magazine.  It presents the most significant research initiatives and accomplishments of the laboratory to a popular audience.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Publications Database

This searchable database contains publications on topics dealing with renewable energy published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory from 1977 to present.  Publications include technical reports, journal articles, conference papers, patents, presentations, books, fact sheets and brochures.

Energy Information Administration

Energy Information Administration

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes and disseminates energy information to support government policy making and public understanding of the interaction of energy, the economy, and the environment.  Their website provides access to data on the national and international energy markets, and energy technology and research.

Total Energy

The Total Energy website presents recent and historical energy statistics on a monthly and an annual level.  The data covers all aspects on energy production for all energy sources.  Users can search for data and create interactive tables and visualizations.

Current Energy Information Administration Publications

The EIA provides a wide range of information and data products covering energy production, stocks, demand, imports, exports, and prices, and prepares analysis and special reports on topics of current interest.  This site provides a searchable database of all their reports and publications.

State Energy Data

The State Energy Data System (SEDS) is the source of the U. S. Energy Information Administration's Comprehensive state energy statistics.

Annual Energy Outlook

The Annual Energy Outlook presents the EIA's prediction for the future of U. S. Energy markets based on possible changes in world oil prices, technological development, energy policy and macroeconomic growth.

International Energy Outlook

The International Energy Outlook presents the EIA's prediction for the future of the international energy markets.

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